Patricia is a client, turned friend, of ours that has booked not only one or two sessions, but three sessions over the last 2 years! She was the typical, ball of nerves, not-sure-what-to-expect type client when she first booked her initial session. Since then, she has fallen in love with not only the process, but the aftermath of how she feels once her session is over… so much so that she keeps coming back for more and more.
Here is her story!

“So where did you first hear of Déjà Revél Boudoir, and did you know what boudoir was prior to hearing of us?”
I stumbled upon Déjà Revél (then Midnight Sun Boudoir) when I first heard of friends doing Boudoir, and started learning about what Boudoir was. I LOVED the style of Déjà Revél’s profile photos more than any others I stumbled across! And I looked at photographers all over the state and nation! I knew I had to book ASAP.

“Many of our clients come to us with a few fears or obstacles that they are worried they won’t be able to overcome. Did you have any fears leading into scheduling your session?”
Obstacles and fears that I had about doing boudoir…I had so many! I have insecurities just like everyone does. I wasn’t sure if I wanted those insecurities displayed and accentuated in photos. What if I didn’t like my photos? What if I didn’t like how I looked? Trust me, I was very nervous!!! I eventually decided to take the leap because I thought all the women whose photos were posted were absolutely stunning and beautiful. I thought, if anyone can do it, so can I! Not to mention Kara was absolutely supportive and so uplifting once I booked the appointment…I had SO MANY concerns and questions, about my makeup, hair, outfits, etc. and Kara was nothing but responsive and empathetic to my concerns, and reassured my crazy self that everything will be fine and to trust the process!

“How did you feel leading up to your session with us? Would you describe yourself as being nervous, anxious, excited, etc?”
[I was] A BALL OF EXCITEMENT and nerves!!!!!!!! I was so excited for my session for TWO months that I couldn’t sleep because I just could NOT WAIT!!!!! Doing this session in Alaska in cold, dark winter gave me something to look forward to for months! It gave me a reason to exercise, eat healthy, and just keep going! I was especially nervous about my makeup (I’m CRAZY about my makeup and how it’s done) and going into the studio with a nude face made me nervous, but Kara and the makeup artist were so sweet and understanding about my insecurities, I immediately felt relaxed and pampered. Her artists are absolute FIRE and will meet you in the middle with their skills and the style you want. I did sip on Champagne to help with nerves/excitement but I quickly learned to TRUST THE PROCESS and LET GO of my worries!

“How would you describe the session?”
The session was so fun, relaxing, and in many ways like a yoga class! Your body will get in positions you never knew were possible and stretch out those muscles! Also I felt pampered. This day was for ME. I honestly felt nothing but excitement the day of the session. Kara showed me a couple photos while I was in session and WOW I could not believe that was ME!!!!! When she sent a sneak peek photo that night I could hardly sleep until my reveal. I looked HOT. I felt SO SEXY. I could not believe the person in the photos (even before editing) was me! The mirror has been lying to me my whole life!!!

“Did anything surprise you about the session or the day itself?”
The session was surprising in a few ways: I didn’t know actually how challenging some of the poses were to hold. (Take Kara’s advice when she tells you to stretch and practice!) I was also pleasantly surprised how easy it was to let go of my worries and concerns regarding my makeup, etc. Kara and her artistic team are AMAZING and I feel so bad for ever questioning them! Kara also has a knack for making women feel very comfortable! Therefore I was surprised at how EASY it was to undress and expose it all for some amazing photos!!! I felt like I was hanging out with a girlfriend I’ve known for many years.

“Do you have any advice for women who are on the fence about booking or nervous about scheduling a boudoir experience for themselves?”
The advice I would give is DO IT NOW. I have done 2 sessions with Kara and have a 3rd booked! You will be OBSESSED with your images and they are more than just pictures….They reaffirm your value and worth when you’re feeling down about your appearance. They can be gifted to those lucky few who you want to share them with. They increase your confidence which is a feedback system…increased confidence->increased happiness->increased activities that you may not have done to lack of confidence (i.e. doing a dance class, wearing a sexy outfit going out with friends, etc) and the cycle goes on and on. Kara also offers prepayment plans (which I took advantage of!) when money is a deterrent but HONESTLY every PENNY is WAY WORTH how you’ll feel on the other side. I promise you will not regret doing a session!! The value of these images are LIFELONG and PRICELESS.

“Has anything changed about the way you see yourself AFTER your session with us?”
EVERYTHING CHANGED!!!! I felt sexier, more confident, and I realized that my body image was distorted by my mind. Seeing photos of yourself gives you another perspective. And these are 100% YOU! I just pulled out my albums and looked at them 2 days ago when I was feeling down. I also have some wall art that I see daily and literally think to myself “damn girl you look fiiiine, like a goddess of the night you sexy tigress!” I’m not afraid to be naked in front of people now. I’m not afraid of unflattering angles on my face. My sessions with KARA are EVERYTHING and have helped me so much. I encourage women to do a session. It seems wild that in order to increase your confidence you get naked, it seems counter intuitive, but TRUST ME! IT DOES! Trust the process! DO IT!!

“Anything else you would like to add?”
Kara is seriously the most uplifting person ever. She can see beauty in everyone. She will still be honest with you, which I absolutely ADORE! I brought a TON of outfits and costumes to my sessions and she would STRAIGHT UP be like “no I like that other one better” and TRUST HER BECAUSE SHE’S RIGHT! It really took a lot for me to let go and trust someone like I did with Kara. She is so passionate about helping women in this way that you’ll be sucked up into her energy, creative visions and excitement and you’ll NEVER LOOK BACK!!! Each session I get challenged a little more with poses and I can’t wait to see what ideas she has next! I loved doing my sessions with Kara and I truly LOVE my photos. I bought way more products than I planned on because it is impossible to decide which bangin queen photos you love most of yourself. I also feel like I got a friend for LIFE with Kara and she will help you every step of the way. LOVE YOU KARA!