A Photographer’s Point of View
Okay, so you’ve likely seen testimonials online from a client’s point of view on their boudoir experience. But we wanted this one to be a little different. We’ve talked about how addicting boudoir sessions are, but it’s not all on the client’s end! We are just as addicted.

Take Andrea for instance: she had messaged us probably close to a half-a-dozen times before finally selecting a date on the calendar and coming in for a session, all of her own. If you don’t know, Andrea is one of our hair and makeup artists. She sees our clients day in and day out, eases their nerves in the chair prior to their session, yet was almost too nervous to book a session of her own!!

After speaking with her about how empowering a boudoir session is, sure enough, she scheduled her session and was ready to go. Leading up to her date, she messaged us the typical questions: “what do I wear?”, “what should I bring?”, “what do I do with my face?”, and all were too easy to ease when we jumped on the phone for a chat.
So it’s session day: Andrea arrives and you want to know the first thing she says? “OMG I AM SO NERVOUS, I COULD PUKE!!” But we are used to this! She came in, we took her things, showed her the wardrobe options we had pre-selected for her based on the answers in our pre-session questionnaire, walked her through how the day was going to go, and got right into it. She emerged in her first outfit, again, visibly nervous. With her favorite tunes on the speaker, we got her posed into the first few poses (after modeling them ourselves first). One of our favorite things to do throughout the session is to show our clients the back of the camera, to really sink in how amazing they look in that very moment. Showing Andrea her first few poses, her nerves dissipated, smiles emerged, and the fun ensued!

Wrapping up our session, Andrea was GLOWING. And we aren’t just talking a smile and a ‘thank you’, we mean a full on “I CAN’T BELIEVE I DID THAT! I LOOK LIKE A MILLION BUCKS! I CAN’T WAIT FOR MY NEXT SESSION!” That kind of glow.

Sessions are addicting, not just for our clients but for us as well. Seeing each and every one of you ladies that step foot into the studio a ball of nerves and leave with that “I’m so damn beautiful” glow, is why we are here. We are here to serve you and show you that you still have it. Let us show you how beautiful you are, you won’t regret a minute of it!